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Hey here are some pics of tenchi and rainbow brite!!
It's so cool. I just realized i can link pics so try to click on all of the pics. right now i only have 1 linked but soon i will be able to make more sites with only those kind of pics in it and i will link it to pics cool huh yah well be sure to visit what the rainbowbrite logo links to!!

Tenchis mommyo

Tenchi with the light hawk sword
Isn't he so damn coolio??

Its a cute runny cabbit

Oops, I guess the guest didn't realize you weren't her daughter who hads rebelled by dying her beautifual hair

Bad Ryo-ohki, you can't stop dancing!! There, thats better
Click on me!! go to see pics of kawai me and sasami!

oh look whos sleepy. It's Rainbow Brite!!