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The chibi Senchi from left to right
ChibiBell ChibiH2o ChibiBlue ChibiPink & ChibiBow

Brean(unknown)Rainbow Orange
Ryoha at age 5
She was a mistivious one. she alwasy had to be in the
spotlight. but as she got older she grew out of it and
decided her focause would be on finding the others
and pertecting them.
This is Ryohas pet Misenagi. She has her throughout the story, but she is usually at homw when she gets older.
An older Mienagi
Yes their eyes make them not look alike.
But misi wasn't old at all in the first pic
Ryosaki just steeped out of the shower
Yellow is about to transform
Sacara. I have a better pictur but not on my computer.
Hana just learned of her past
Ryosaki is the total oposite of how she was befor she meet ryoha
A wild child she has become. Befor they
were friends, she alwasy did everything
right and was quiet. but then she realized
she can just be her and be loved
ryoha taught her that
She is keeping her excitement in.
She doesn't want to rush into anything,
get excited over something that might
not be. She hasn't seen Ryosaki in
forever, but she isn't sure if Ryosaki
remembers her still.
Long blue locks flow out as Ryoha turned around
Rainbow blue recieving her weapon
Yah well,someone got cut off