Majestic Pics of the Rainbow Millenium
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Ok, now these are the characters in my manga.
These are there different forms in different positions. now not all of them are rainbow scouts. some of them are the universile scouts that give aid to my characters, and others are the imperial rainbows who died so long ago(imperial yellow still wanders the earth)

Lindsay (Bow) Rainbow Bow
Name's:Bow, Rainbow Bow, Princess Bow, Lady of the Forest
In order for her to transform she has to have the bow around her neck, the bow on her shirt, the bows in her hair, and the key to it all the bow on her wrist. her weapon is the bow and arrows of love. she shoots her arrows into the hearts of her enimies attempting to bring them love and happiness. If there hearts can aot be changed then they die. She shouts rain...bow... love arrow and it goes strait to who she pictures in her mind, they can be miles away and it will reach them. Her bows are specialy carved from the bark of the wise oak who lived with us in a grove filled with others of his kind. he is the one who knows all. he is the one who told us of what was happening and what was to happen when we went to visit him. bow and blue weren't even there when the enimy attacked, but we knew cause of him. we were the first to leave but befor we did we sent him to earth. he aids us and provides the majority of us with our weapons. but he is mainly bows tree, and he only provides for her. she is the creater of all our weapons.

Hair Color:Purple W/pink when transformed
Bow Color:Rainbows
Suit Color:White W/ rainbow trim
Transformation:Tie the knot
Powers:Rain Bow Love Arrow, Glorious Star Spere(Stars cme down through the bow and form an arrow), Invisibility Shock(when shot, turns whom ever it hits invisible), Rainbow Spirit Summoning(summons creatures of the fores to aid or attack or block, or comunicate to others), Rainbow teliconicis(teleports to were ever, normaly the spirit tree?, Rainbow star shooter, Supream Fireworks.

(Bell) Rainbow Bell
Name's: Bell, Rainbow Bell, Princess Bell, Lady star Crystal
She is the sister of Bow. she does not come untill later in the story. she becomes the next Queen of the Rainbow Millenium as Lady Star Crystal. Though easly manipulated and verry gullible, she become a great queen. No one ever emagined she would be the next one to become queen, everyone thought it would be bow but even bell was surprised when it wasn't. Bell is a quiet girl, shy even and verry clumsy. Although when she fights she is quiet powerfull, though she doesn't like to use her powers. she is gental and timid the perfict fit for royilty, but not quite fit for ruleing. An enimy can easily convince her to go along with them with out her even knowing it. but surprising to them all she turned out to be quite fit for ruling and she made life easy again. she is fun but quiet and always enjoys a good laugh even if it is at herself. she is also verry polite. you think it was because of her family? guess again. her family are all rude and incensitive, but it is due to her royal blood and how she was befor that makes her who she is today.

Hair Color: Blue and Green
Bell Color: Gold
Suit Color:White W/ Rainbow trim
Transformation: Ring My Bell
Powers: Crystal Showers(the stars fall from the sky and fuse together forming huge crystals and shower down on the enimy)

Vannessa (Sacara) Rainbow Lavender
Well i don't have much info on her yet. I am still making up her story. She was found after Pink was attacked at a skate board shop in the mall. she is a real tomboy and stays true to the end. She is verry spoiled and stuck up, and her and the others fight a lot but they always turn out friends. But she always thinks she has to be right and doesn't show joy for accomplishments that are not her own. all she cares about is herself but she is always there when it comes to kicking but or skateboarding.

Hair Color:Brown W/ Pink streeks
Suit Color:Pink top with purple sparklie stars for straps. white shorts with rainbow trim
Transformation: Color me sassy Lavender, Fill me with lavender, PrincessLavender sensation

Kells Bells ME(Ryoha)Rainbow Blue
She is the first to know about the tragedy to come besides bow. they together went to the holy tree and descovered there fate. befor leaving bow gave blue her key piece to transforming, her bow around her wrist. Because of this she was boarn with the bow around her wrist which scared the docters veryy much, and also was the reason why she still remembered who she was and what had happened. She also remembered who her friends were.
Julie Rainbow Yellow!!
Yellow lived in a forest that no one dared to go in. Everyone believed it was haunted by an evil witch. Yellow never told any one were she lived and never told people much about herself. She would just go to school and go to the park, and when no one was near she would go into the forest. her favorite past time was siting in a boat over the pond while playing her magical harp. When the others saw her they became her friend knowing she was yellow. They began talking about the evil witch and all decided to go find her. Yellow agreed even though she knew the truth. But yellows house was always hidden because only the power of her harp could make it seen. Yellow forgot her harp at the pond and blue knowing what it was, sliped away to retrieve it. she pressed the right keys and the swan became a holorgram. "A long time have i sleept, only to be reawakened by you blue. Were are me and were is my master."
"Millennium was attacked and we are on earth. Your master doesn't know you exist yet, she just thinks your her magical harp. Not her best friend. But i need you. You are the only one who can locate the others. Tell me were we must go next!" yellow caught her and was amazed. Then they were attacked buy the evil spirits traped in the leaves of this forest, now reawakened bythe swans return! Yellow found herself. Now yellow as in the begining was always shy and not revieling. Well not anymore. Now that she has friends to trust and hold onto she is wild, funny, adventurious, and can be dangerious becuas of her dareingness. She is one bunndle of energy who has finaly be released!!

soon to be released. info not formed yet

(Ryosaki)Rainbow Pink
Her when she's 12. I had the best picture of her. But i lost it, and it makes me want to cry just thinking about it.
Lita(unknown)Rainbow Orange