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this is my manga(comicbook)
i hope you like my menga. i have put a lot of efort into it but yet it is still not finished. every new page i make i will put on my web site so you can see what happenes as it goes along. the funny thing is is this is my third book, but the first one i made. what this story is about is explained in the first that one they r all litttle and live in the rainbow. it is called the rainbow millenium and lead by the great queen ImperialMillenia. now the older generation rainbows are called imperial but the 2nd generation are called rainbow, untill they get there maximum power. each comick booke shows how blue and the new ones find eachother. now blue(me) is the only one who remembers beacuse of a token of friendship from her best friend bow(lindsay) in photos 2 there is a stor under each character and that is were you will learn about what realy happened. now each color represents something pink of course is joy. blue is prosperity. and the rest i havent made up yet so if you have n e tips i would like it. each of the girls is one of these colors and if 1 of them were to die then that color would disapear off the face of the earth, unless there is an heir. the rainbows are the heirs to the imperials so when the imperials died they became in charge of that color but they just didnt know it, untill i came along and gave them the wepons so they remembered. now when i was younger like 13 lol, 2 years ago, my friends and i would play out how we found eachother and that is how my manga came about. I realy hope you like it so enjoy!

EEEEEEEEEE's Christmas
mom it's Christmas
Go to bed
And I was an awful good girl this year

Your not opening presents are you?
Oh, no mom hehehe-never
chicka chicka
bow do you know what today is??
zzzzzz..ring ring
ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to bed Ryoha
Christmass is boring
Thanks! I looove the shirt
I'm so glad you like it. I just knew you...
ekkkk mom calm down

Errr Happyness bright colors and pure bliss! I hate it all!!
I'll just have t take all the joy and all the pink from this world
My pajamas! My Hair?! its all gone black
I can't....breath
Is it my athsma? Or them
Ryoha, I think its them and today there after joy

color me Sassy Blue! !
color me Sassy Pink!!
Tie the knot!!

whats this?? the pink is returning!!!! errrrr
how can this be!
I'm how
You almost killed me.
I can't......forgive that!

NO!!!! It's not fair. You cant have joy, you can't. Everything should be black! Hey! Let's go after her... No.... Were letting her go... If u had seen her eyes....the pain and hurt in her eyes.... oh.....I'm sorry, lets sit ok pink.

Lets go in!! I like this new outfit, this store!! Isn't that.....Doesn't that look like??!! RAINBOW LAVENDER!

that would look great on you, don't you think so bow? Yah. hey, your should go try it on.

from final fantisy III (strego)

final fantisy III (Relm)

final fantisy III (Guyu)

final fantisy III ( im too lazy to find out lol. maybe l8er)

duh self explanitory fushigi yougi

The first 8 movie covers of Fushigi Yugi


Deedlit Etoh and Slain fom Record Of Lodoss War

King Kasue Record Of Lodoss War

Lodoss War


dark elf, grey withch, high elf, and cleric (Lodoss)

the chick who hangs with Orson(Lodoss)

Sailor Mercury(Sailor Moon)

all the inner and outer senchi(sailor moon)

Rini Sailor mini moon crying and luna(Salior moon)

Eternal Sailor Moon Transform

Sailor Jupiter Transform(chrystal power)

sailor Mars transform(chrystal power)

Sailor Mercury Transform(Chrystal power)