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Me...huum well let meh think about meo
I love to roller blade, sk8board(I can only olli and manuell, but it is sad cause everyone calls me a poser cause i refuse to show them my tricks. those evil poos) well let me tell you a little about me. the cons:I am so damn hyper and it sometimes gets anoying to others. I will never do drugs cause it seemes like I'm on all the time. I talk too much and am verry childish, & I talk about things no 1 gives a flying frock about(I would still like to see that some day) pros: I am verry funny and I forgive others verry easly(I guess that is why I get betrayed over and over again)I am happy, & sweet and nice to those who r nice to me. The thing about me is is that if you are kind to me I will always show the same. Iam never mean to those who r nice to me, and i am sometimes(verry rarely)nice to those who r mean to me.People love to be around me and I'm always giving(con for me pro for others)I think I am a great person but most people just look at the side of me they dont like and never realize what I great person I can be*tear* sad but oh well I am willing to look past it(even though it is the majority, but they say the majority does drugs but i still dont lol)another good thing about me is i am adorible( well guys always say im damn sexy so this is just my light way to saying it)i get that all the time. but like I said people look past my pros and stare at my cons(damn my luck)

The History or Story Behind My Site
well as you will read in photos the history is behind my obsession for japan and sailor moon(im past the sm part, but i still like it) my friends would come over to my big 6 acer house in the country and we would go to like the pond of the "forest". just basicly all this is about is adventures my friends and i made up while at my old house. too bad i dont have that house n e more but i still visit. also on this site there will be my story. i have ben writing it scence 6th grade and i am in 9th now but i still only have 4 chapters. right now i am having my friend val edit it. i will put mine and her version on the page and with everyone that edits my story i will put there edited version on my site and u will al give it a grade. I realy hope you enjoy this comick book and story


My Possy
Well this all started threw my 2 best friends. As I said I had a large home and we would always play pretend. Fist there is Lindsay. She is my best friend irl and in the comic book. She is rainbow bow/bow princess of the millennium. She was the one who started it with me. We went all over my country neighborhood playing and making up how the rainbow millennium ended and how we found each other. We made up the basic standard for it together. I have to give her a lot of credit for helping me. She also drew some of the pics in the first 2 pages of my comic. She drew some of the pictures here, and you can tell which ones she drew and which ones I did. You will see that her style of drawing has changed and is way better. She came over and saw our old drawings and she was stunned.
Then there is my close friend Vanessa. She is rainbow lavender, Sacra. She was stuck up, had to be in control, she treated you like your lower. But the thing that got me mad is she HAS to be highest on Lindsay’s list or else she gets mad at Lindsay or me, and when she is highest then she makes Lindsay do stuff. she is so controlling. She went on a trip with her church and she realized that she was loosing God in her life. She also realized her jealousy for me and Lindsay’s friendship and her controlingness, and has now stopped it. We sat there for 2 hours telling each other all the shit we had said about each other behind one another’s backs and cleared everything up. We are now closer than ever and will stick up for each other instead of stand by and watch when one another is being hurt verbally, mentally, or physically. I am so glad that we are friends again and now there is no jealousy in our friendship. It can finally be the 3 of us again (Lindsay, Vanessa, and me) not just 2 and I am glad.
There is also Julie. She was not really my friend for a while cause she betrayed me, but she was still a part of this. She was Bell, and she made her up( I only drew her) but because of her betrayal I mad her yellow, she doesn’t have a name. I drew yellow to look like her and it does. I went to her telling her I am sorry for all the hurtful words I said behind her back and infront of it and she apologized also. It made me feel good that we no longer had hateful feelings for each other. I told her we would probably never be as close of friends as we were before but at least we were not enemies. The next day I saw her walking to color guard with Lindsay, and it was surprising because she was the first one to run up and hug me saying hello. She usually walked right past me ignoring my presence but because of the day before we were friends again. The we just happened to be at the same party that night and we had a blast together, we were friends again just not the best of friends just like Vanessa aren’t ever going to be the same. But when it came time for her to go home, I could not hug her. It was because her mom still feared me for the lies Julie made, that can now never be patched up. But we still know that now we can be friends with each other.
Then rainbow green is my friend Brine. I drew green to look like Brian so umm yah. Her and I do not talk much but when we do it is great. I still love her even though she is a gothic wicken freaks but its not a bad thing to be a freak. Today I was talking to her and she had said that she doesn’t like the new me. I am not as annoying and hyper any more, and that is what she loved most about me. It made me feel touched and want to let loose my craziness again but I will just do it in a different way. She now goes to gateway cause she got in trouble and cannot go to the normal school till next year. But next year she will be with me once again.
Then just recently my best friend Lita became Orange. She has a name and weapon all picked out, but I have forgotten to get that info so till I remember to ask I can’t put it on. My friend Ashli doesn’t have one picked out yet, but she soon will. then there is my very dearest friend val. she is red and her name is Quinna. cool name huh? well she is an elven fairy(she had to be) she is the greatest friend I had when I started writing this, now my best friends have said there sorries, cried with me a bit and everything is good for me. but sometimes I fell she doesn’t have the time for me. maybe I shouldn’t be writing this while I am depressed? ohh I need to get happyyyyy!!! You know what would make me happy. If you visit my site and, and, sign my guest book and e-mail me. I love that. And if you’re from cali please tell me. Well I love my friend val. she is helping me write my story. She is also helping me learn how to skateboard. I am not too good. But the transportation part of skateboarding I am quite good at. I still need to work on my making sharp turns, but I have only been on for 2 weeks so it is ok for me to not be that great!! well I just want to encourage you all to visit my friend vas site if I am not mistaken it is go and see it some time and enjoy!!!=)

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